Things have been busy this week as I've started hashing out a new blogging schedule (hopefully going into effect next week), in addition to figuring out my day-to-day work/live/play schedule. Having all of this freedom to be my own boss is definitely going to take some getting used to, in addition to learning how to better prioritize my time. After spending a few too many afternoons "tweeting" and "liking" my way past dinnertime, I realized I had better get a reality check, and soon!
I spent a lot of time in the kitchen this week, too, for both upcoming projects as well as my regular posts. On Tuesday Walt threw a curve ball request into the dinner pot for Swedish meatballs. Talk about random; I've never once heard those two words come out of his mouth, at least not in the same sentence. Despite being in the middle of a heat wave, I caved and made the man what he wanted. It was actually quite wonderful to cook a meal that didn't involve writing down ingredient quantities or photographing before it got too cold. Just us, Netflix, and a bottle of wine. A girl could get used to that, you know.
Thursday brought me out of the house to celebrate Cooking Channel's second birthday. They threw a pop up bash at Westside Provisions, so I grabbed a couple of girlfriends to help me soak up the scene...both literally and figuratively. The ladies and I pre-partied at Ford Fry's newest venture, The Optimist, where I (over) sampled my new favorite cocktail. The Beach Shanty was a super-refreshing mix of Allagash White beer, Barney's Shipwreck Spiced Rum, lemon, and ginger liqueur. Remind me to beg for the recipe so that I can start whipping it up at home!
Okay, enough of this week's ramblings—just thought I'd share a little bit of the behind-the-scenes in case you were interested. In other news, as you can probably tell from the title, Culinary Musings is the name of my new Friday column. It will be a place where I share what's on my mind, pick your brain, and ponder the deeper meanings of the food world. I know, fascinating, right!? As soon as I figure this thing called Photoshop out (so I can make cool little inspiration boards for you) we will be off and away. Stay tuned, and have a fantastic weekend!