I am literally cringing as I look at the St. Paddy's Day post below. Not because of the content itself, but because it is almost Easter. Seriously, where does the time go? And the shaming texts from friends doesn't help matters much either. (Yes guys, I am aware of my lack of updates. Thanks for your concern; your prodding has been heard.)
There is light at the end of the tunnel, I swear. (Wait, have I said that before?) That light is April 1st, and that tunnel was 75 recipes in two months time. You see, I have been testing a cookbook—and no, it's not my cookbook—that''s coming out later this year. It has been a fun, delicious, and educational experience, but I'm not going to lie when I tell you that it has been freaking exhausting! My kitchen hasn't been clean in weeks!
As if that weren't enough, I went and got myself a "real" job. Because, you know, cooking in my pajamas all day can get a little weird lonely boring. With that, I am pleased to introduce you to the newest Chef Instructor at the Atlanta/Phipps Plaza Sur La Table. Yep, you heard me right: not only do I get to eat and write about food all day long, but now I get to do it at night, too. It really is a dream come true!
I look forward to not only growing as a cook but as a person. And with that, I hope to pass along all of my new-found knowledge to you. Keep a look out for new posts, series, and tutorials in the coming months, and by all means, let me know if you have any culinary questions you are dying to have answered. Dixie Caviar, i.e. "Chef" is on the job!
Click the image for the Phipps Plaza class schedule. Check back often for new class additions and updates, and by all means, pop by the store for a visit!