Around the Web

Summer is in full gear, which means so are the barbecues. I can't believe that 4th of July is this weekend! Some one pinch me. Here's a little link love to get you ready for the weekend.

I've been busy over at The Kitchn. Check out my crunchy pecan waffles, crispy pork chops, and quick-and-easy crab cakes.

Want to throw the ultimate Independence Day bash? Use the details of my epic crawfish boil for a little inspiration. (at Cooking Channel)

This bourbon ice cream looks like the perfect grown up way to beat the heat. I can't wait to try it! (at The Way the Cookie Crumbles)

Hmmm. I only wish that I came up with this loaded "baked" potato salad (at Serious Eats)

My deviled egg secret is butter, too. Butter makes everything better! (at Ezra Pound Cake)

Who knew a Reuben Sandwich could be so sexy? (at Mississippi Kitchen)

After spending a semester in Italy, this Baked Manicotti takes me to my happy place. (at Bunky Cooks)

I ripped this recipe for Roman-style pizza out of May's Bon Appetit, but it seems somebody else beat me to it. (at Food Nouveau)

This Chocolate Hazelnut Cake leaves me a little breathless. Is it getting hot in here? (at Tasty Kitchen)


Around the Web

Welcome to my new Friday column, "Around the Web." My Google Reader is jam packed with all sorts of goodies (think recipes, food stories, design, weddings, and more), so I've decided to start sharing. This should give you ample weekend reading to hold you over until next week's tasty post. Need a hint? Think strawberries. And pie. Mmmmmm.... As you may (or may not) know, I just returned from an epic trip to Austin, Texas for the 2011 IACP conference. It was truly a once-in-a-lifetime trip, and while I'm still trying to process it all, here are a few thoughtful recaps from other attendees:

I attended the "Blog to Book" conference with Shauna from Gluten-Free Girl, and let me just tell you, she's fantastic. Like, seriously fantastic. Here is her touching account of the week. (Don't you just LOVE her!)

I also had the pleasure of having dinner on Friday evening with the ever-inspiring Dianne Jacob. Here's her story. (and I'm in a photo!)

Here's one more well-written synopsis that includes links to some of the other attendees in case you didn't already get enough.

At the Kitchn, check out my Smoky Corn & Jalapeno Dip. I actually just made another batch this morning, per request from the back of the house boys at Floataway Cafe. I consider this a major complement!

Did you see my Roast Beef Po' Boys at Cooking Channel? They should hold me over until my next trip to New Orleans.

Check out lovely new friend Meghan's S'mores on a Stick! Wowza.

How cute is this story about a dad baking Snickerdoodles with his daughters? Adorable.

A girl can never have too many brownie recipes. So why not add Brownie Pudding to your list!

I happen to collect vintage cookbooks, so I can't wait to see how this project comes along.

Walt and I love to make homemade tortillas and we love to deep fry. I think we may have met out match.

Need some summer reading ideas? Check out the comment list of this post. As for me, I just finished Jane Eyre and now I'm pouring through Heat.

Here's my ideal summer outfit. This girl is stunning.